Restoring a hacked or infected WordPress website

We can help you in case of problems like these arise.

What does the service include?

  • Analysis of the website files;
  • Removing of the malicious code;
  • Restoration to previous state;
  • Applying security measures;

Sometimes WordPress websites get hacked and malicious code is injected into their main files. Therefore, the resources of these websites are used for other purposes, such as spam attacks. Another purpose of malicious code can be to gain control over a website.

In most cases, the reasons for these scenarios can be reduces to two: an unsupervised and “forgotten” WordPress installation or activating plugins from dubious sources.

Whatever the reason, we can help you in case of a hacked or infected WordPress website! And if you are happy with our job, you can subscribe to our service – “Maintenance of a WordPress website”.

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